List of Solo trip ideas you can start with

Now that you have decided to travel solo, the next challange you may fas as a new solo traveler is where to travel, should there be a theme to your travels etc..

In this post, I have listed my solo trip ideas. Few of these I have done personally and others are in my To Do list.

In case you are looking for similare ideas, keep reading..

1. No stay challenge

This is one idea i have been toying with for some time now but will definetly try out.

What I plan is to :

  1. Reach a place at day time, around 8am
  2. Roam around the place full day
  3. Have a train journey at night and sleep in train.
  4. Reach new destination in the morning
  5. Repeate the above steps

This will help me skip the stay either retiring room or hotel and save on time as I will be traveling to my new destination!!

Challanges foreseen for this type of travel

  1. Need exhaustive upfront i.e identify the destinations so that there is a train journey of 10-12 hrs. This will ensure I get good sleep.
  2. Reserve tickets between these destinations. This is possible only during non peak season.
  3. To freshen up, I will have to use either facilities in train or railway stations or any public toilet.

2. Retiring room stay only

This is another idea that I will be executing soon. I did so a small test and it was encouraging, hence will do it for long period now.

Here is what I plan:

  1. Arrive at a location around 8am-9am.
  2. Explore the city using public transport.
  3. In the evening sleep in railway retiring room
  4. Next day, travel to new destination.

Challenges foreseen for this type of travel

  1. The location should have a railway retiring room. These facilities are available only at major cities.
  2. Available of bed in retiring room. This may be a challange during peak season.
  3. Need to have a valid train ticket, this restricts the travel using railways only.

3. Local sightseeing on cycle

This idea will give more exposure to local people and will be useful if you wish to spend more time in any city.

The plan is:

  1. Once you reach a destination, buy a second hand cycle there. Cost may be around Rs.1000 or so.
  2. Make sure the cycle comes with a carrier for you bag, tie your bag & tent in carrier and just cycle your way to all the places.
  3. Once you are done with that city, sell the cycle. You may be able to sell it for Rs.800 or so.
  4. Repeas these steps for every new city.

Challenges I forsee are:

  1. New travelers may not find it very easy.
  2. End you journey much before sun set, identify you tent pitching sight and settle down.


I will be adding more solo travel ideas in this post. Do connect with me in case you have any such idea.

You will enjoy my first solo travel post- Solo Trip To Uttrakhand

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